Virginia Child Support Calculator | Guidelines – 2024
The income sharing category technique is used to determine child support payments using the Virginia child support calculator. Payments are based on the parents’ combined incomes as well as the number of children. Payments are normally higher if there is a higher combined income or if there are more children.

Virginia Child support basics
The Virginia child support calculator obligates one parent to pay the other on a monthly basis until the children reach the age of 18 or have graduated from high school (whichever is later). Courts may prolong payments if a kid has exceptional needs. If you and the other parent have many children, your order will include modified amounts for when each kid becomes ineligible.
The parent with less parenting time usually suffers the price since the other spends more time directly caring for the children. Gender isn’t a consideration. Unless they give up parental rights for a step-parent adoption, even parents who don’t have custody or visitation must pay support.
Parenting time and child support
Only when both parents have the children for at least 90 days a year does parenting time enter the equation. Then, if a parent’s time grows, so does their financial commitment because they’re already spending more time with their children.
Equal parenting time only minimizes payments if both parents earn the same amount and share health-care and child-care expenditures equally
Whether or not child support is paid on time, parents must adhere to their visitation schedule. Similarly, regardless of how well parents stick to the visiting plan, permission must be paid.
How To Calculate Child Support In Virginia
The rules are based on a formula. To utilize them, you’ll need to know the number of children you’ll be supporting and both parents’ salaries. If you have children with more than one parent, you will need to calculate child support from each parent separately.
Assume you have three children, one with Parent A and the other two with Parent B. If you’re asking Parent A for child support, you only have one child. You only have two children if you’re requesting child support from Parent B.
Take the number of children and the total household income and compare it to the recommendations below. The rules are laid out like a timetable, with the number of children at the top and the monthly income being $50 increments down the side.
So they start at $350, then $400, then $450, and so on, all the way up to $35,000. If your income is more than $35,000, the rules specify extra percentages to apply to your earnings over that level.
One of the figures on the guidelines will not quite match your combined income. It will most likely fall between two of the revenue figures provided. You may properly approximate your child support payment by utilizing the child support numbers directly above and below your actual income amount. However, keep in mind that the court or a state agency will not estimate your child support due. It will calculate an exact amount using a formula.
Deviating Guidelines Of Virginia
The quantity of help offered by the guidelines is presumed to be correct, which is rebuttable. However, the legislation enables judges to diverge from the rules if they consider that following them would be unjust to a parent or child in a particular situation.
In order for a court to award a different sum (either greater or lower) than the recommendations, it must examine the following factors:
- Assistance for other members of the family.
- Child custody rights, including contact.
- Costs attributed income to a parent who is deliberately jobless or economically.
- Expenditures acquired for the welfare of the child.
- Payments for life insurance, education costs, or other court-ordered obligations.
- Unusual financial gains, such as those resulting from the sale of the marital home.
- Any child’s unique demands as a consequence of a physical, mental, or medical issue.
- Financial resources are available to a youngster on his or her own.
- The level of life of the child during the marriage.
- Earning capacity, obligations, economic ability, and specific demands of the parents.
- Marital estate’s economic capacity.
- Tax ramifications.
- Any signed child support commitment.
- Any other benevolence factors.
When judges diverge from the parameters, they must specify in detail how much assistance would have been necessary if the standards had been followed, as well as explain why the assistance order differs from the benchmarks.
Imputed Income for Child Support
Regrettably, some parents try to avoid paying child support by deliberately scaling back on their income. That isn’t going to work. A court can attribute revenue to a parent if it considers he or she is intentionally jobless or economically inactive.
In other terms, the court will evaluate the parent’s potential earnings and use that amount to determine child support payments. In most cases, the court will consider the parent’s employment history, past wages, education level, and work opportunities in the vicinity.
There may be scenarios where a parent’s reduced income is due to a valid reason. A court is unlikely to impute revenue to a parent who becomes chronically incompetent.
How Is Child Support Paid Virginia
Due to late or missing payments, having one parent pay child support directly to the other parent used to cause serious issues. As a result, the majority of child support payments are now made through income withholding. To put it another way, your company deducts the payment from your paycheck and delivers it to the proper state agency.
However, there are other situations when income withholding is not appropriate, such as when a parent is self-employed. In such cases, the state provides a variety of payment options:
- online, using the Virginia Department of Social Services’ MyChildSupport system.
- at kiosks located in the lobbies of the child support offices and selected courts
- using the Touchpad Payment Portal
- IVR (Interactive Voice Response) System for credit or debit cards, or
- by mail to the office of the Treasurer of Virginia.
Child support applicants can usually choose to have their payments deposited directly into their bank accounts, get an EPPI card (similar to an ATM or debit card), or have a cheque mailed to them.
Modification of a Child Support Order
As a matter of course, you have the opportunity to require a reconsideration of your composites reinforced every three years. For an order to be amended if it has been less than three years after it was evaluated, you would have to have specific exceptional conditions. They are, as of the day this article was published:
- An increase or decrease in healthcare coverage of 25%.
- A 25 percent rise or decrease in work-related daycare expenditures.
- A 25 percent increase or decrease in a parent’s income.
- A child needs to be added to or removed from the order.
- An existing child support order does not include an unreimbursed medical/dental provision.
- A child is no longer eligible for continued current support due to a physical change in custody. The child’s emancipation (the order remains in effect as to any other children it applies to).
- Either parent is a Reservist or National Guard personnel experiencing a family emergency.
Termination of Child Support
When a child attains the age of 18, the child support responsibility terminates under Virginia law. However, a support judgment must give such assistance for a child over the age of 18 who is:
- A full-time high school senior.
- Who is not self-sufficient.
- Who lives with the parent who is seeking or receiving child support.
In some cases, assistance will be provided until the youngster is 19 or graduates from high school, whichever comes first.
Any child above the age of 18 who fits the following criteria may be ordered to pay or continue receiving support by the court:
- The child is profoundly and persistently mentally or physically handicapped, and this handicap existed before the child was 18 years old (or the age of 19, as per the previous paragraph).
- The youngster is unable to sustain himself and live alone.
- The child is living with the parent who is claiming or paying child support.
Enforcement of Virginia Child Support Order
If a parent fails to pay child support computed by the Virginia Child Support Calculator, the Virginia Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) will most likely take appropriate steps to ensure the judgment. In Family Court, the parent can also submit a motion (legal papers) to guarantee consistency and pursue punishments, such as criminal contempt.
I live in another state. Can I get help from DCSE in Virginia?
If you have an open child support case in your home state, you should contact that state’s child support agency to see if it has sought help from the Commonwealth of Virginia. If you do not have a current child support case, you may be eligible for services in your home state. While you can immediately apply with the Virginia Department of Social Services, you should be aware that you may need to travel to Virginia for court appearances. Individuals who receive public assistance from another state are not eligible to apply for DCSE services in Virginia.
I have a case with another state, but I am moving to Virginia. What should I do?
Your changed address should be communicated to the other state in writing. If you wish to apply for DCSE services once you’ve arrived in Virginia, you’ll need to fill out a service application and include documentation from your previous state’s case. The Virginia Department of Consumer Services will then tell that state that you have applied here.
Who pays taxes on child support, the payor parent or the payee parent?
Child support payments are not tax-deductible for the payor parent, and child support payments are not taxed as income for the payee parent. It is customary for parties to agree in a proposed settlement that they would alternate the years in which they declare their kid as a dependent on their taxes, as long as the parent paying child support pays on time and is present on their obligation.
If no agreement is reached and the court ruling is silent on the tax dependent deduction, the IRS guidelines identify the custodial parent as the parent who can claim the exemption. If you have any doubts about whether you are eligible to claim your kid, you should contact the IRS or an attorney.
Is there any way that the amount of a child support order can be increased or decreased?
Yes. A child support order, on the other hand, can only be changed if there has been a significant change in behavior. A change in circumstances generally pertains to the parents’ income, although it can also be related to the child’s requirements.
You must ask the court to have your child support order modified; you cannot depend only on a written or oral agreement with the other parent to increase or lower child support. A court will normally uphold a parent-child support arrangement, but the court is not obligated to uphold a parent-child support agreement to cut or enhance child support because child support is the kid’s right, not the parent receiving support.
Bottom Line
The Virginia child support calculator applies to the cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Richmond, Arlington, and Newport News, as well as the rest of the state. Support payments may be modified by the parents’ agreement or at the discretion of the court presiding over your case.
What if I have let a child support order sit for a while; is there a statute of limitations?
Each payment is a judgment under Virginia law, and the limitation period for judgments applies to each child support payment. The statute of limitations for judgments is now set at 20 years.