Ontario Child Support Calculator | Guidelines – 2024

Ontario Child Support Calculator | Guidelines – 2024

The Ontario Guidelines are followed when performing basic child support calculations using this calculator. It assists in figuring out the starting point for payments while following the standards set forth by Canadian family law.

Whether they seek child support under the Ontario Family Law Act or the federal Divorce Act, both parents are obligated by law to give their children the necessary financial support.

Ontario Child Support Calculator | Guidelines – 2024

The Federal Child Support Guidelines provide a precise method for calculating child support that considers the number of children involved and the paying parent’s income. It is significant to remember that depending on the province in which the computation is being conducted, the precise amount of support may differ.

It is important to realize that our child support calculator in Ontario only calculates the base amount of child support; it does not account for spousal support or other specific costs. These elements may be discussed independently and may have an impact on the parents’ overall financial arrangements.

What Is Child Support?

Parents are required by law to contribute financially to the upbringing and welfare of their children through the payment of child support. Regardless of their marital or relationship status, it is a key idea in family law that aims to ensure that both parents contribute to the financial care of their children.

Child support was created to ensure that kids have access to the resources and support they need for their physical, emotional, and educational requirements. The money provided by this program aids in paying for necessities like accommodation, food, clothing, healthcare, education, and extracurricular activities.

Child support is often given to the custodial parent or carer who is in charge of the kid’s day-to-day care by the non-custodial parent or the one with whom the child does not reside most of the time.

Child support is typically calculated according to rules or legal procedures established by the relevant jurisdiction, taking into account things like the parents’ combined income, the number of kids, and the children’s individual needs.

Child support is frequently a legal right of the child, not the receiving parent, and is only meant to be used for the children’s benefit. It is crucial to uphold child support orders to protect the welfare and best interests of the concerned children and to further their general stability and development throughout their formative years.

How much is child support in Ontario?

When a couple makes the tough decision to split or divorce, many legal issues need to be resolved between the parties, and child support is one of them, especially if there are children from the marriage.

In order to protect the safety and well-being of the children concerned, thorough legislation has been enacted across Canada, including in Ontario, to assure the payment of child support. It is crucial for parents in such circumstances to have a well-structured child support plan in place, regardless of whether the process involves mediation or court proceedings.

The plan must cover important details, such as figuring out the right amount of money the kids should be receiving in support, identifying who is in charge of paying it, and deciding on the best way to do it. It’s crucial to understand that the choice between the two parents does not determine how these decisions are made.

Instead, the proper level of child support is governed and determined by provincial laws and regulations, such as the Federal Child Support Guidelines. These regulations offer a standardized system for determining child support, taking into account things like the number of kids and each parent’s income.

While parents can negotiate and reach child support agreements through collaborative or mediation methods, they must still comply with the law and serve the children’s best interests.

If parents are unable to agree, the court may intervene to make decisions regarding child support. The court’s judgment will be based on the pertinent laws and norms to guarantee that the children receive the required financial support for their upbringing.

Regardless of the strategy used, it is crucial to ensure a fair and sufficient child support plan that complies with the law if one wants to assist the children’s stability and well-being at a trying and transitional time in their lives. A plan that works for everyone concerned, especially the kids, can be created with the help of legal experts or family law specialists.

How to calculate child support in Ontario?

The Federal Child Support Guidelines provide a uniform formula for calculating child support in Ontario. The formula takes into account the number of children involved, the paying parent’s gross income, and the province where the child resides. There are various phases involved in determining the starting point for child support:

Determine the Gross Income

Calculating the paying parent’s gross income is the first step. The term “gross income” refers to all sources of income, including wages from jobs, self-employment, rental income, pensions, and some government benefits. To provide an accurate computation, all income sources must be taken into account.

Consider any Deductions

Certain deductions are permitted to determine the amount of income available for child support. Deductions for income taxes and specific child support payments from prior relationships may be regarded as appropriate deductions.

Identify the Applicable Child Support Table

According to the payor’s income and the number of children, the base child support amounts are listed in a table in the Federal Child Support Guidelines. Each Canadian province or territory has its own row in the table. The Ontario Child Support Table must be used in Ontario.

Determine the Number of Children

Count the number of kids who will be considered in the child support calculation. Depending on how many children there are, the table offers various sums.

Find the Base Child Support Amount

With the payor’s gross income and the number of children determined, locate the corresponding amount in the Ontario Child Support Table. This amount represents the base child support amount the payor would be responsible for.

Address Shared Custody Arrangements

Shared custody or split custody arrangements may be used when the children spend a lot of time with both parents. Special guidelines for calculating child support in these circumstances are provided by the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

Address Special and Extraordinary Expenses

Additional unique or extraordinary costs that need to be split between the parents may be in addition to the base amount of support. Costs for daycare, healthcare, education, and extracurricular activities are a few examples of these expenses. Typically, the distribution of these costs is based on the respective income of each parent.

Calculate the Total Child Support Obligation

The entire amount of child support due from the paying parent is calculated by adding the base child support payment and, if applicable, the proportionate share of special or extraordinary costs.

It is important to remember that child support computations can get complicated in some circumstances, such as when one parent works for themselves when there is shared custody or when there are disagreements over the paying parent’s earnings.

In such circumstances, consulting with a family lawyer or making use of specialized child support calculators might be helpful.

Child Support Calculations for Shared Custody

Calculating child support becomes trickier than in cases of primary custody when dealing with shared custody arrangements when the children spend nearly equal amounts of time with each parent (often a minimum of 40% of the time with each).

In such cases, the base child support amount is frequently decided using a “Set-Off” approach, which considers both parents’ incomes.

The following actions are part of the Set-Off method:

Calculate Individual Child Support Payments

Based on their own gross income and the number of children involved, each parent determines the amount of child support they would be required to pay under the Federal Child Support Guidelines. This step entails applying the previously indicated standard child support formula.

Find the Difference

The parent with the greater yearly income subtracts the amount of child support they would be required to pay (determined in step 1) from the amount of child support the other parent would be required to pay (also determined in step 1). The base child support amount is the difference between these two figures.


The Set-Off approach gives a starting point for the base child support amount but does not make the ultimate call. Depending on the specifics, the court may additionally increase or decrease the amount, considering things like shared expenses, unusual or extraordinary expenses, and any other pertinent elements.

It’s important to realize that, despite the Set-Off method’s potential value, it might not always be appropriate in cases involving joint custody. To establish a fair agreement, there may occasionally be variances, exclusions, or particular situations that call for a different strategy.

Additionally, throughout this procedure, both parents should be open and truthful about their salaries. Legal remedies may be pursued in cases where one parent believes the other is concealing assets or income in order to rig the child support calculation.

Including Additional Expenses to the Child Support Calculation

The Federal Child Support Guidelines’ essential living costs are the only ones that are normally taken into account when determining the base child support payment. It excludes any further charges classified as Special and Extraordinary, often known as Add-on or Section 7 Expenses.

Special and extraordinary expenses are seen to be necessary and reasonable outlays made for the benefit of the children and consistent with the family’s pre-divorce spending patterns. Beyond the costs of food, clothes, and shelter, these costs are often split by both parents in accordance with their respective salaries.

Examples of Special and Extraordinary expenses may include:

1. Childcare costs: Expenses related to daycare or after-school care for the children.

2. Medical and healthcare expenses: This may include dental treatments, prescription medications, and other medical needs not covered by insurance.

3. Educational expenses: This include private school tuition fees, tutoring, or necessary educational supplies.

4. Extracurricular activities: Costs associated with activities like sports, music lessons, or art classes.

5. Post-secondary education: If the child pursues higher education, expenses related to college or university may be considered.

6. Travel expenses: If visitation arrangements involve long-distance travel, transportation costs may be included.

It’s crucial to remember that adding Special and Extraordinary Expenses can greatly impact the total amount of child support due. Usually, the share of these costs that each parent is responsible for sharing depends on their respective income levels.

It is advisable for parents to be upfront and transparent about the unique demands of the children and the associated costs when determining child support and splitting these extra costs. It may be essential to use mediation or legal action to resolve conflicts about whether expenses are deemed reasonable and necessary.

In the end, considering Special and Extraordinary expenses ensures that the children’s total growth and well-being are sufficiently supported, going beyond the bare minimum and taking care of other crucial parts of their lives.


It is strongly advised to get legal counsel or speak with a family lawyer to manage the complexity of figuring out child support in cases of shared custody and understand the child support calculator in Ontario.

A lawyer can offer advice, ensure adherence to the pertinent rules and laws, and assist in creating a child support arrangement that is in the children’s best interests and equitable for both parents.


How is child support calculated in Ontario?

They indicate the support due based on the number of children and the annual income. For instance, the amount of support due from a parent who lives in Ontario makes $60,000 per year and has two children is $892 per month. A parent with two kids and a $100,000 income will need to pay $1,416 per month in support.

In Ontario, who pays child support?

According to the law, parents are obligated to provide for their dependent children. A parent may be a biological parent, a non-biological parent, an adoptive parent, or even a stepparent occasionally. The term “payor parent” refers to the parent who pays child support.

Is Ontario’s child support law mandatory?

Yes. In Ontario, all parents, even common-law partners, are responsible for paying child support. Canada acknowledges that choosing to get married is a personal decision. However, whether or not you are married to the kid’s other parent, having a child results in a positive responsibility to provide for that child.

Do mothers in Canada pay child support?

Yes, the non-custodial mother must pay child support even though the father may live with the kids most of the time. Furthermore, it’s a common misconception that the parent who earns more must pay child support.

How long does Ontario child support last?

In Ontario, child support is normally provided until the child turns 18, the legal age of majority. However, the paying parent may continue to assist their child if they are still financially reliant on them and they are enrolled in school full-time.

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